Jian Zhou [email protected]

Principal Investigator

Ruoxuan Wu
[email protected]

PhD Student

Rui Guo
[email protected]

Data Scientist

Pavel Avdeyev
[email protected]

Postdoctoral Fellow

Donghong Cai
[email protected]

Postdoctoral Fellow (joint with Xu Lab)

Ruoyu Wang
[email protected]

Postdoctoral Fellow


Kseniia Dudnyk [email protected]

PhD student

Yuchen Zhang
[email protected]

PhD student

Junru Jin
[email protected]

PhD Student

Rongqing Yuan
[email protected]

PhD Student (joint with Cong Lab)

Yanru (Ru) Ma recently graduated from Emory with a Master's Degree in Biostatistics. Prior to this, she earned an M.D. from Peking University and practiced as a hematologist specializing in blood cancers. Ru is deeply passionate about leveraging statistics for medical research and integrating genetics to facilitate personalized and precise diagnoses and clinical decisions.

Yanru Ma [email protected]

Research Associate

Harish Srinivasan [email protected]

Undergraduate Student (UT Austin)

Lab Alumni:

Dennis Tang (Undergraduate student, 2021-2023)
Liran Mao (Undergraduate student, 2022-2023): Currently graduate student @ U Penn GCB
Chenlai Shi (Data scientist, 2020-2023): Currently data scientist @ UTSW BioHPC